
We here at the Irrehensible T.J strive for excellence in internet entertainment. We hope to make you laugh while also being informative. We have a few different shows for different tastes.

Pre-Regan Sci-Fi, or P.R.S.F., has Lesperance A. Dektober, a.k.a. Dax, looks at Science Fiction from the Seventies and earlier as well as later remakes, adaptations and sequels, prequels and the like. Come to see examples of the best and the worst that Science Fiction has to offer.

Utterly Serious Stuff, or U.S.S., has Teddy Kulp discussing subjects that are seldom serious, let alone utterly so. These subjects may include everything under the sun and much more: anything that deserves a rant from Teddy is up for grabs.

Other members here with the Irrehensible T.J are working on projects as well, so come by to see what other new material may come out. Thank you for visiting and we hope that you have a fun time here.

For a video introduction to the site, check out the one Teddy Kulp made for us here.

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